Sunday, March 28, 2010

Mrs. SG In A New Classroom Adventure!

Obviously I have been absent for a while now ... every day as I check up on other fun blogs I feel such guilt that somehow I can't work it into my routine more consistently! Typical ... I have amassed a collection of journals and diaries that are empty minus a few entries at the beginning all starting with some semblance of the phrase "This time I'm going to write in you dear diary!!" I could never stick to it! I have done much better with this blog but could still use some improvement ...

As you might remember I finished my first long-term substitute position right before my Spring Break trip to New York. After my week-long hiatus, I started a new long-term position, filling in for a teacher who has permanently left the school. This new job is at a different school. In fact, different is an understatement ... My previous position was in one of the best school districts in the country. They have abundance in all sense of the word. Almost 100% of the students graduate high school and continue on to some of our nation's most competitive colleges and universities.
This new school (where I am currently) resides in the worst zip-code in Dallas, i.e. the zip code with the most violent crimes. Here it is more likely that a student will drop out than graduate - let alone go to college. Teen pregnancy, drugs, crime, discrimination, gangs, abuse, neglect ... these are just a few of the challenges that these students are faced with daily. There are currently Teach For America corps members at this high school, one of whom (and old friend of mine) contacted me about this position when it became available. It is possible that this school will be my TFA home starting next Fall.
I would call this past week at my new school a mind-blowing experience. I can already see what immense challenges these students and I will be facing together. What I can also see is how wonderful it will be to have a network like TFA supporting me. Furthermore, the faculty at this new school has been so warm and welcoming that it made what could have been an over-whelming, hellish week very rewarding and inspiring.

So my blogging absence has been due to starting this new position with an entirely unfamiliar set of challenges. But every late night has been a window into how important my commitment to TFA is and how potentially rewarding it can be for me and my students. Initially I was a bit sad to have to go down to Houston this summer and leave my hubby and sweet animals in Dallas, this past week has gotten me amped for June to come! I know that those 5 weeks and the rest of this summer's prep with TFA will make me an even better teacher for my kiddos next year!

"One day, all children in this nation will have the opportunity to attain an exellent education."


  1. I know you are going to be great!!

  2. I know you will be great good luck to you too

  3. Very exciting to hear about your new teaching position. It sounds like your new students really need you. How lucky for them to have such a dedicated, caring teacher!

    Keep us posted on how it's going.
