Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day One ...

So here we are, it is officially 'Day One' of my time as an "accidental housewife." What exactly does that mean? I'll explain ... See, as I worked diligently through college, picking those perfect internships, finding perfect recommendations - I never imagined myself as being unemployed post-graduation. But here I am - jobless. Many of my peers were happy to loaf around in college, so imagine how pleased they are to be loafing around now? I, however, am not a loafer, though I love loafers, but only those that come with darling tassels and might have a penny in them. Even in college - ask my friends - I was a busy little bee. For a while I was going to both SMU and The Art Institute of Dallas - pursuing my little-girl dream job of being an Interior Designer. At one point, I was taking a total of 25 hours of class - plus extracurriculars and life! But alas, Interior Design school is on a hiatus - it is quite costly!! So I returned to the root question I had asked myself before starting ID school - "What would you enjoy doing with your life?" and listened more carefully to the answer I had given along side of ID - Teaching.

So ladies (and gentlemen?) I pursued my Alternative Teaching Certification (Which just means beyond Undergraduate studies) and am now considered Highly Qualified to teach Pre-Kindergarten through 8th grade. Giving in my sincere all, I worked as a summer teacher for a Science Camp for July and now this part of August. I loved it - I love the kids, I loved the learning - I really think teaching could be my calling. I had a great opportunity to interview for a fabulous district here in Dallas but sadly I did not get recommended for the position. (One day chickadees, one day ... ) But I will perservere - my plan B is to substitute. But for now, I must wait and see. Waiting and seeing is the hardest part isn't it? Good things come to those who wait - I sincerely believe this. Until I have an occupation however, I will fill my days with grocery runs, lingering lunches with friends, wedding planning, laundry, and the luxury of going to the gym at 1:30 in the afternoon.

So this was a long post - I promise, they will get shorter and be filled with goodies. But today I will leave my darlings with something. As part of my ritualistic induction into the Park Cities Housewife Club I got a pedicure ... at 10:30 in the morning ... don't hate me. But what it left me with, beside intense curiosity, was a great nail polish color!!

It's called OK Coral. It's a play on words since it's Coral (not Corral). Coral, I should tell you, is my absolute favorite color! And for those of you in the Park Cities area, I really enjoy Delux Nails across from SMU and near Goff's Burgers. It is clean and clean - my #1 test.

Stay Chic,



  1. Grace! I am sooo excited I saw that you started this!! Miss you! xoox

  2. Grace,
    I love your blog!! Have you thought about being a wedding planner after your wedding? With your design background and shopping expertise, you would be a winner! Just something to do between teaching assignments, though!

    You go, girl!

    Mrs. Robinson

  3. Thank you for the compliment! I have thought about something in event planning - you know me and planning! At this point I am staying open to anything and I feel like as long as I do my part and lay the ground work, then "thy will be done!"

    Thanks for following!
