Monday, October 5, 2009


Oh how I love October. It has to be one of my favorite months. I think if I lived on the East Coast I would start packing up my summery clothes in September. But having lived the majority of my life in Florida and Texas, October has been my signature summer clothes storage month. I also LOVE Halloween - such a fun and whimsical holiday. I have happily decided that this week I am going to start getting into the spirit and slowly setting out Halloween decor. By slowly I mean like this - I start with a bowl full of gourds and pumpkins (redundant, I am aware ...) on our dining room table. I then move to tea towels in our kitchen. Next, our glass pumpkin filled with candy corn and finally I bring on the front doormat, scary cats, cute bats, etc ... The picture below is exactly like our glass pumpkin - I found one just like my mom had for us growing up at Crate and Barrel.
I have also put our annual pumpkin carving party on the books for a little over two weeks from now.

My mom plays a big part in my thought process that each family should have holiday traditions and one step further, a "signature" holiday party. Her signature party is the New Year's Day Hop 'n' John - Hop 'n' John being a southern dish of black eyed peas traditionally served on the New Year to bring luck and prosperity.

But back to Halloween! Following her example, my signature party so far seems to be a pumpkin carving party. My roommate and great friend ACR started this party as a mini birthday for some good friends of ours. The next year when Mr. SG moved to Dallas, we picked it up and have had it every year since!

So today I am running to Swoozies and Michaels to get some supplies to make our invitations later tonight. My go-to source for Halloween (and all Holidays ...) is Martha. Her Holiday decor is always so chic! I will be trying to replicate these invitations below for the pumpkin carving party.

More details to come on our menu and party decor. Until then, wish me luck on the invites!!
Stay Chic,


  1. What a fun idea for a party. Those Martha invites are gorgeous - they look like works of art. Hope your craft session goes well1

  2. Oh my I love Swoozies! My friends and I are doing a "hot glue gun" party this weekend and we are going to make some fun Halloween and fall wreaths. I also need to run to Michaels. can't wait to see your post about the party!

  3. Sounds like fun! Wish we lived closer...
