Thursday, October 8, 2009

Mom for a day ...

Early morning tomorrow I leave for St. Louis - a suprise trip that I booked just last night. While an undergrad at SMU I competed on the Mock Trial team (like law school Moot Court but the undergrad version) - I have always considered law school and who knows, may eventually end up there! But in the mean time I have been helping out as a Coach to two of the three SMU teams. At the last minute I am jetting up to a competition at St. Louis University to coach them through the weekend. The other Coach is a friend I have spoken of, and blog follower, DBK who is leaving for St. Louis tonight. So last night we took his precious dog, Cheney, to dog-sit for the weekend. Today I am the proud stay-at-home-mom of two dogs and one cat. (Below is a picture of Cheney). Adding another dog to the dynamic is crazy!!!! Scout stays with DBK and Cheney occasionally when we go out of town so they already know each other but these girlies loooveee to rough-and-tumble around the house. Before noon, Cheney had already pooped in the house three times (because she is nervous, I'm sure, since she is well trained) and every time I put the leash on her to go outside she pees - so I have used out go-to carpet cleaner (Spot Shot) about 5 times. When the delivery man came (we have been getting daily wedding gift deliveries so he and I are becoming friends) the two dogs freaked out started running around like wild animals. I began to lose my mind at the constant rough housing and scampering and so I just instituted a mandatory nap time and put both the little angels in their kennels. Now as I type they are snoring away. So if I have learned something from the past few hours (yes, mere hours!!) it is that Mr. SG and I cannot get another dog until we have a house and a yard - condo living is a bit tough with two active pooches.

While we are on the topic of dogs, I have been toying with the idea of ordering booties for dear Scout now that winter and sad weather is on the way. She absolutely hates going outside when it is cold and wet. She'll do it - but she doesn't enjoy it. I found these boots (below) for a very reasonable $13 ... these things tend to be over priced but I think I would plunk down $13 for little Scout's comfort. These are from I am sure some of you dear readers are rolling your eyes at the thought of booties ... I know, I know ... but couldn't it be bad for her feet? Or are their little pads enough? Something to think about ... we still have some time until Dallas consistently stays below 55.

Stay Chic,


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