Friday, October 30, 2009

Lilly Bridesmaid Luncheon Attire

It is the Friday night before Halloween and I am sitting at home blogging while hubby-to-be (2 weeks from tomorrow .. omg ...) is walking Miss Scout and Miss Harper is keeping my lap company. This is how I know I am growing up ... I am not in a costume nor am I sipping non-descript but highly potent punch. Not that I don't enjoy those occasions, they are just more few an far between. Tonight was a success and fun in its own right! I finally decided on my dress for my Lilly themed Bridesmaids Luncheon .... The Memsey Dress (in Aqua) ...

I am loving these "originals" - even Mr. SG agreed as I tried it on that "it goes with the more classic vibe you seem to be aiming for ..." Yes, he actually said that. He is amazing.

We capped the shopping off by splitting our new favorite salad (turkey, green apples, dried cranberries and a lime vinaigrette) at Northpark's La Duni and of course, some happy hour Vino de Casa.
How am I celebrating Halloween? By having my final dress fitting of course! Accompanied by some dear friends, I will be trying on my wedding dress for the last time before it is shipped home in preparation for the Big Day! Lets hope all goes well ... PS - For any Dallas ladies wondering where my fabulous dress was found, it was none other than Stanley Korshak! The Bridal Salon has a wonderful selection and fabulous consultants. My consultant, Becky Tananbaum, has been extremely helpful and made the experience memorable and easy-going. I highly recommend her to any bride!
So wish me luck that the zippers zip and the buttons button!!
Happy Halloween - may you have either nights filled with costumes and candy or Lilly and turkey salad ... whatever floats your boat!

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