Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Guilty Pleasure

This might come as a shock to some, but there was a day when my music of choice was primarily Punk Rock. I think we all get permission to have some ridiculous yet developmentally important phase in our life. An important part of being a teenager is self-discovery. Part of that is dressing in clothes your mother says are "too mature" or listening to music that shocks your father.

I had been a little prepster all my life. I wore uniforms up until 6th grade when we transitioned into a dress code. Always the lady, I opted for the uniform jumper instead of the shorts which were incredibly unflattering. My middle school fashion was primarily made up of sweater sets, polo shirt dresses and knee socks - the usual preppy suspects. I think I can attribute the moment I lost my style to 8th grade. My new boyfriend was quite the little punk. He was actually suspended a few times and finally expelled halfway through 8th grade after spray painting our school. I am sure my parents were completely terrified for me since this was my first boyfriend. The truth is that he had a great heart and was having a tough time in life- so he acted out. I know my parents saw this too which is the only reason they allowed this relationship. But I digress... I completely changed my style for him and started shopping at Pac Sun. My new ensembles usually consisted of Roxy, Independent and Vans. As a newly "punk" girlfriend I began listening to punk rock including Blink 182, New Found Glory, Yellowcard, Good Charlotte and Sum 41. Keep in mind I was still only in 8th grade - my parents, ever the safeguards of my innocence, required I get the bleeped out version.

My first punk rock concert was Blink 182 - my favorite. Since BF and I were in 9th grade at this point, our fathers came with us to the concert - tres cool. We took our seats and as Tom strung the first few notes on his guitar suddenly giant, flaming letters spelling out an explicative that rhymes with "duck" erupted and was the backdrop for the first set. At this moment our fathers said, "We'll be in the bar ..." Admittedly, even then I thought it was a tad crude and unnecessary. But I was at a punk rock concert with my cool, punk, bad boy BF!

For those of you concerned as to how I must've looked let me assure you, I was my own unique version of punk. My uniform for the Good Charlotte concert was this: Khaki Bermuda shorts, a hot pink Good Charlotte Tee that was kind of vintage looking, a matching pink grosgrain ribbon tied in my perky pony tail, and pink and white Vans. Looking back, I am positive I was the butt of many jokes. (i.e. I wasn't hardcore enough)

Eventually in 9th grade BF and I broke up because I had my eye on a certain older gentleman (gasp - a high school senior). I'll give you a hint as to who I am talking about - I am marrying him in a little over 6 weeks. The funny thing about this is that Mr. SG was also into "punk". The difference is he was not a bad boy - while previous BF was spray painting our school, Mr. SG was at a math competition. Over the last 7+ years of being together, Mr. SG and I have evolved our styles back to a more classic look. No more skater shoes and no more Pac Sun. By my senior year in HS I had fully progressed to Longchamp totes and Sperry's. Here is my senior prom picture. A classic David Meister dress in coral and my accessories were voluminous hair and a single strand of pearls.

The Vans may be gone but my love for Punk Rock has persisted which is why Mr. SG and I are going to the Blink 182, Fall Out Boy and All American Rejects concert tonight .... Woo Hoo!!! This is why the title is "Guilty Pleasure" ... for some its Britney, for some its Miley, for me is Britney, Miley and Punk!!

Rest assured chickadees - I will be Punk Chic tonight. I am wearing skinny jeans, a black crew neck tee, black flats and possibly a Northface for warmth since its getting kind of chilly. No doubt I will look out of place - that's growing up. At least I'll have the right punk by my side this time in an outfit that equally says "I am an old fuddy duddy."

Stay Chic,


1 comment:

  1. I love this post! It's so funny and I love that your dads went to that concert with you!

    I love that prom dress, by the way! It's so classic!

    Hope you have a fun time at the concert and take some pictures of your punk chic self!
