Wednesday, September 2, 2009

St. Bernard Sports

I don't think I have mentioned it but Mr. SG and I will be taking two honeymoons post nuptials. I know, it sounds so glamorous, but it was rooted in practicality. Our wedding is really close to Thanksgiving Week. Since we knew whatever my job situation I would automatically have Thursday and Friday off, we figured we could add a day or two to that and then he and I wouldn't have to be so concerned about finding two weeks to vacation. Then in the summer we are going to go to Greece. By then, he will have stashed enough vacation days and if I progress with teaching I should have it off! We talked about doing no honeymoon until Greece in June but I was adamant! You get married and so much is going on that week, you two need time to recoup, rejuvenate and enjoy being newly weds. Plus we would've had to fly to Florida for family time (which the flights were actually more expensive) and then once we found our amazing deal at the Ritz (pay for 3 nights get 2 nights free plus breakfast) we knew what we had to do!!

So we picked the Ritz Carlton Bachelors Gulch (at Beaver Creek basically) for our mini-honeymoon. It should be amazing. It is opening weekend of ski season - not too cold, not too warm and they practically guarantee good snow. We'll have Thanksgiving dinner at Spago (I die ...) and somewhere in there take a sleigh ride up to Beano's cabin for a delectable dinner. I have to thank SVB and her family for taking me here when I was 14. It was spring break and all of my other friends families would go to Vail, Beaver Creek, Jackson Hole, etc ... I was so jealous. I had only skied a few times and my family was never up for a spring break ski trip. This particular year they were going to Italy. They gave me the choice of going to Beaver Creek with SVB's family or Italy with them. I know it sounds crazy but I chose Beaver Creek. (Those who love Italy are gasping now I am sure ...) I told myself I may never get to go back to Beaver Creek but I would surely make my way to Italy. (Sounds illogical I am aware ... ) But would you believe I have since been to Italy three times and never once have I been back to Beaver Creek?! I was a wise 14-year-old and even then I could see the romance of this winter wonderland. So when Mr. SG and I were picking locations we figured Mexico would be easy enough since we are so close but then I had a brainstorm to go skiing and he jumped on it! So here we are, in need of a fresh winter wardrobe... and we're in luck because St. Bernard Sports is having an amazing sidewalk sale that ends on Labor Day.

I never mentioned that in effort to get back to our fighting weights, Mr. SG and I have been going to Weight Watchers for the past six weeks. So far I've shed 11 pounds and have still been eating pretty great food. (We love this program - it is always our go-to!) So as we were on our way to WW we were distracted by rows of ski apparel out on the parking lot. In a matter of minutes I found a Lilly Pulitzer tech vest in a great winter white for 75% off and a soft, grey Northface fleece for 50% off!

We are going back today to try on some pants and a jacket for Mr. SG. My trusty Obermeyer is somewhere in this house - but I need to make sure it still fits since I am a bit bustier than I was in my high school days.

But lets say you're not going skiing this season like we are - fear not, you can still take advantage of this sale! As we went inside to pay for our treats, I saw rack after rack of 50% off signs with Lilly and Vineyard Vines sundresses, shorts, skirts, shirts, you name it!! Mr. SG muttered an "Oh Jeez .." when he saw the glint in my eye.

So if you're in Dallas, whether you're going to Beaver Creek, Seaside of Mexico - you are sure to find good deals at St. Bernard Sports up until this Labor day!! Get over there!!

I know my fan base is small but I'd love to hear comments about your favorite romantic getaway ... where would you go - did you go - will you go on your honeymoon. Or where have you been that you want to take a special someone to? Post em' below!

Stay Chic,


1 comment:

  1. Greece! We are pinching pennies to be able to go next summer!! Maybe we'll see you on a donkey or two=-)
