Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Lilly Pulitzer Bridesmaids Luncheon

So thoughts on the Bridesmaids Luncheon differ. My grandmother was under the impression that someone hosted this luncheon for the Bride and her attendants and I have been to a few events where this is the case. But from what I have researched, it is more and more often hosted by the Bride as a means to thank her attendantsso that is exactly what I am doing! Since the wedding is Florida-centric, what better theme than Lilly Pulitzer?! I have definitely made this little soiree a labor of love- much of the decor is DIY. My grandmother is creating LP table runners from fabric purchased off of eBay and the list of fun Lilly touches goes on - I pinky swear there will be pictures and updates about the details in the future. Maybe we can do one day a week devoted to the luncheon?!

Today I want to fill you in on a new DIY idea I had! Sarasota, where I grew up, is a huge boating town. Take a look at this picture or lovely Sarasota below and you'll understand why.

Growing up we lived on the water and had a boat for as long as I can remember. So instead of a country club we were members of a Yacht Club. The Bridesmaids Luncheon is taking place at the club which by itself is "vintage Florida". The Field Club (pictured below) was originally built in 1927 as the winter home for Stanley and Sara Carrol Brown Field, of Chicago-based department store, Marshall Fields. This beautiful home was turned into The Field Club which is where I had many happy memories boating to meals with the family, playing tennis and spending nearly every Labor Day and Memorial Day playing in the Round Robbin Tennis Tournament followed by chocolate milk-shakes from the Galley.

The Field Club "Then".

The Field Club "Now".

One of my favorite memories of the Field Club was how in the various dining rooms, tables were reserved by burgees. For those of you who don't know what a burgee is, it is the unique flag that identifies a yacht or yacht club (pictured below). So the tables would have precious little miniature burgees denoting who was reserved to sit where. What a preppy sight it is to behold a room filled with nautical flags.

For the Bridesmaids Luncheon there are going to be three tables of ten or eleven ladies. I was planning on naming each table after a different preppy location (i.e. Palm Beach, Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard, Hilton Head ...). This way as they pick up their escort cards it will say " Her Southern Grace - Nantucket". Now, instead of having a little picture frame containing the table name, I am going to make my own little flag (burgee) for each table marker out of Lilly fabric!!

Check out this banner from 42ndandorange.typepad.com. This flag shape should give you and idea and was in part the inspiration because I just looovveee banners and if I can figure out a way to incorporate them when I go home to lovely Sarasota this weekend I will!!

Stay Chic,



  1. LOOOOOVE this post! Your wedding is going to be absolutely beautiful and so chic and unique! Best wishes!

  2. My mom and I made these Lilly flags for my dorm room! http://collegeprepster.blogspot.com/2009/02/lilly-pulitzer-pennants.html
