Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Oh traveling - sweet traveling. Anyone who knows me know I do a lot of traveling. My frequent flier miles have ballooned in light of this little wedding I am working on. But I can't really complain and as an accidental housewife my schedule has been thankfully open so that I can take care of things. But seriously I step on a plane about once every four weeks - and lately its even more frequently.

I have a love-hate relationship with traveling. I love going somewhere new, I love going to see my friends and family. I hate (dislike) the myriad of variables that can make your travel experience smooth as butter or a positively hellish. Admittedly, one of my biggest flaws is that I am a travel snob. What is a travel snob? I'll tell you ... A travel snob is the person in the security line screaming inside as the person in front of you forgets to take his shoes off, sets off the alarm with their belt then proceeds to hold up the line as they confiscate his jumbo size bottle of shampoo. A travel snob is tersely smiling at the two parents and their four children and the hullabaloo that ensues as they break down their multiple strollers and check their car seat on the jet bridge.

Some airports have accommodated us travel snobs with the "Expert Travelers" line which I interpret to mean those who have getting their lap top, shoes, and plastic bag of travel size toiletries into the bins down to a science. Other people, not as skilled in the art of the security line, interpret it to mean a shorter line and so despite the fact that they haven't traveled since the shoe-bomber fiasco, you are trying to mooch off those of us who have remembered that it is not ok to fly with our hunting knife in our carry-on. And this line was shorter until you brought your knee-high lace-up boots into the equation ... come on people, wear loafers!!

But in all honestly, despite being a travel snob there are a few tips to make your travel experience much easier.

1) Smile and be friendly. Screaming inside is fine as long as your not verbally abusing those who are trying to do the best, either in their professional roles like flight attendants or just as people dealing with the stress of traveling. Besides, grace under pressure is a true test of a southern lady - make it a challenge to see how calm and collected you can remain. (Though I understand it doesn't always work this way ... we all have our moments of shame a la Ben Stiller in Meet the Parents .. "You can't say bomb on an airplane!" "Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb!" )

2) Be assertive. There have been times when I have been too nice and too friendly and it has bitten me like a snake. Balance a good disposition with assertiveness. Example, when you're deplaning and the person in front of you is freaking out about making their connection which is in an hour when yours is in 15 minutes in another terminal you can politely turn around and say "I know what you mean, mine leaves from Terminal D and 15 minutes - I don't know how I am going to make it." (With a smile, of course.) This way they understand that when you finally get off you need to sprint without the jet bridge being blocked by the their questionable sized luggage.

3) Travel with the right accessories. To make it easier I travel carry-on 99% of the time. Voila my go-to suitcase.

Brics is my favorite travel brand. With this lovely by my side (and my Longchamp pliage obviously) I am always equipped for the "Expert Traveler" line.

4) Bring a travel size bottle of hand sanitizer and remember to hydrate! In between your in-flight cocktails make sure to drink lots of water. (As my doctor dad would say, "Keep those mucus membranes moist!") That plus hand sanitizing can help combat H1N1.

5) Look cute and be comfortable. I always travel with a pashmina in my Lonchamp. It is a wonderful and clean substitute for a blanket. Furthermore I generally wear close toed shoes (preferably slip on for the security line) because my toes get cold! And then I love to travel in dresses or something with a stretchy waistline (like a tunic with leggings, not pajama pants ....) Take a look at yesterdays airport look. My favorite TB flats - they're not clear like they look in this picture, but black and white. The dress is a 20$ Target steal and I loveee the zipper detail on the back.

All -in-all, we are lucky to live in a time where you can hop on an airplane and get to where ever we want for a reasonable fee and in a reasonable amount of time. Yesterday I was on the beach in Sarasota at 4:30 and I was on the plane to Atlanta by 6:15 - amazing. So when you're traveling be considerate, keep a good sense of style and above all else ....

Stay chic,


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