Friday, September 4, 2009


Laundry is a joy of life. But it becomes especially relevant when you're an AH. Our flight to New Jersey is later today so of course I am prepping our place to go out of town. For me, I like a house to be spotless when you come home from a trip. That means the beds are made, the pillows are fluffed, the surfaces wiped down and the laundry is finished. Side note, make sure you put all of your dirty dishes in the dishwasher before you leave OR have them all clean and put away. Why you ask? One time before Mr. SG and I lived together, we went out of town for a long weekend or something and that night when went back to his place to eat our take-out I went to the kitchen and screamed bloody murder! There were maggots crawling around the disposal where he had left some sort of food and dirty dishes. Tres disgusting. I obviously could not eat my fried rice after that sight.

So as I write this the last load of laundry is spinning away in the dryer. Ahhh close to the end! I remember the first time I washed someone's clothes for them. It was Mr. SG in fact. I was visiting him at his college in Pennsylvania and was left with nothing to do while he went to class. I decided that to fill my day I would clean up around his place. We can pretend that this was a nice, selfless thing to do but really ladies and gentlemen his apartment was revolting and I couldn't stand it anymore. The carpet was somewhat moist, the livingroom furniture had belonged to someone else ... in the 80's and Mr. SG's mattress was on the floor - close to the moist carpet, yes. To compound this horror of a place, it literally sloped down so that if you were walking to the kitchen you were going down hill but if you were going to his bedroom from the kitchen you had to put your hiking shoes on. This made baking some pre-tailgate brownies very difficult when it came to pouring the batter into the baking pan. (Which obviously I had to buy ... college boys with baking pans? Only at SMU ...)

So I walked down to the corner store to buy some all-purpose cleaner, which Mr. SG informed me later I shouldn't have done since someone had been shot at that exact location only a few weeks prior. (Great ...) So I cleaned and did laundry and Mr. SG was quite surprised when he came home. He was very appreciative but did have one thing to say - apparently I folded his shirts incorrectly. I didn't fold them the way his mother folds them. Though he is a southern boy he is not a mama's boy so this particular comparison I felt must be important if he was going to bring his mama into the mix. I filed it away for the next time - if there would ever be a next time. But alas every time one of his shirts made it into a load of my laundry I succumbed to my old ways of folding. Which for the record, his preference is the store way of folding and mine was the old fold-it-in-half down-the-middle way. In our original conversation he explained that the down-the-middle didn't work because it left a crease. Well excuse me! So cut to present day, I finally am able to fold all of our t-shirts 'correctly'. a few days ago I finally asked if he had noticed. Of course he hadn't but claimed he had ...

Well what have we learned from this?

  • Don't walk to that corner store because you might get shot.
  • Everyone has to have "that apartment" at some point in their lives. It helps you to appreciate the finer things later on.
  • You might be an AH if you write a blog entry about laundry.

Until later ....

Stay Chic,


1 comment:

  1. You are so witty!! Men and their college apartments-- I think it's a requirement to have moist carpets, roaches on the walls and more dishes in the sink than in the cupboards!
